Christmas at Risen Savior
Christmas Eve Candlelight worship A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the…
Christmas Eve Candlelight worship A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the…
Join us for our Worship by the Water service in Navarre Park for an uplifting message from God’s Word in this beautiful setting God has blessed us with!
A new day dawned on the first Easter morning. When sunlight fell on an empty tomb, the world saw that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead and ushered in a new era of peace, forgiveness, and hope.
This week in the gospel Jesus shows up at a wedding. As an invited guest, the day wasn’t about him. It was of course about the bride and groom, the guests, and the entire party celebrating the happy occasion.
He was just one of many that came out to John the Baptist. He may have mingled, but likely few knew his name. Nothing about him stood out. He wasn’t different. Jesus was just a regular guy who looked like all the rest.
The breaker tripped and the lights went out, and wouldn’t come back on. That won’t happen to the Light that shines during this time of the church year. It comes from God, sent by him, showcased in special ways, and highlighting things we need to know in order to be saved.
Isaiah 9:2–7 Were you unusually tired on Friday? Wondering why it seemed darkness came so…
Revelation 12:1–6 The nativity scene as we have come to know it is fairly idealized….
Luke 3:7–18 When I mention repentance as a concept I think some of your thoughts…